Rejoice in this Day of Thanksgiving! For the Lord of the Harvest has open the gates, and His Bounty is shared freely with all:
To the weary he has granted Rest,
The heavy laden have been granted Strength to carry on.
He is a Strong Tower to the oppressed, a Shield against the darkening storms of this world.
In the gift of His Son he has granted Hope to the hopeless,
And His Swift Sure Hand upholds the broken, making them whole once again.
Again I say, rejoice! Praise the High King of Heaven as you sit at the feast, and glory in His repast that nourishes the soul.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A Final Solution for Global Warming
A Final Solution for Global Warming
The time has come to pull out all the stops; climate change has become an issue too large to ignore. The crisis is dire, and the very survival of the planet is at stake. With this in mind, I lay out my plan for solving this terrible problem.
Step 1: Justice for the Planet is Justice for Everyone
It is an indisputable fact that global warming has a far greater negative impact on women and minorities than it does on white men. In addition, most of the worst contributors to greenhouse gases - machines such automobiles, power plants, or people that exhale - are a direct result of the reprehensible inventive and reproductive behavior of white men. I therefore propose the immediate liquidation of the male Caucasian population, beginning with those in America and Europe, who also form the dominant and repressive majority within these cultures. This particular solution has many additional social benefits, but the primary and immediate effect will be a reduction in the consumption and use of goods which add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. New fields, forests and even rain forests can then be fertilized with this new abundant resource, finally allowing us to restore balance to our fragile ecosystems. With this primary consumer base eliminated, damaged ecosystems (such as rain forests) will have a chance to recover, as they no longer need be plowed under to allow for the destructive expansion of industry.
Step 2: Reproductive Choice is the Only Choice
We must thank the great nation of China for their valuable contributions to the world in reducing greenhouse gases through their revolutionary social policies, and we must learn to follow their example. Abortion as a fundamental human right is, of course, a given; but we must move forward the idea of mandatory abortion. More than 1 child per household means additional population growth, and population growth is crucial to manage if we are to save this planet. 2.2 live births per female allows for a population to maintain it's size. We must get this number down to 1.0-1.2 as quickly as possible (currently much of Europe, and legal population of America, stand at 1.6 or less). The next step is twofold, after the elimination of white males. First, the entire world must adopt a policy of 'one child per family.' Second, those who we have already identified as potential domestic terrorists here in America (that is, those who consider themselves to be 'pro-life') should immediately follow white males as the next to be liquidated. Someday we might have the courage as a race to embrace the third step, that of widespread sterilization, but we must allow for some time for the various cultures of the world to adapt and embrace change. We can lay the groundwork for this new idea in Step 3.
Step 3: Freedom from Destructive Social Institutions
In addition to mandating '1 child' policies among heterosexual couples, we must continue to ensure that the maximum number of children possible are educated in the government education centers. This has the advantage of giving governments one unified voice in reaching these children with the critical truths they need to hear. We must also continue the advancement of homosexual culture in these centers. Replacement of the restrictive social institution known as 'the traditional family' with that of 'the modern family' has several benefits in the fight against climate change. First and most directly, homosexual couples do not produce children, so by definition each of these modern family units will produce lower levels of greenhouse gases. Second, in replacing the traditional family as the basic social unit, we reduce the influence of certain destructive belief systems (as taught by parents) upon the individual. To a large extent this has been accomplished, as most parents seek to have the government educate their children; but many - particularly in America - are not being reached. Many of these even question the necessity of our efforts, and such questioning endangers all of us in the long term.
Step 4: Acknowledging the Equality of the Species
Once and for all, this antiquated notion that man is the pinnacle of nature must be put to the rest. Arising from the destructive teachings Judaism and Christianity, this idea that men and women are somehow different from other creatures - as they would say, 'created in the image of God' - is completely antithetical to what our governing philosophy must be if we are to save the planet. What right do we have to this planet that every other creature shouldn't also have? In addition to the sheer barbarity of killing our evolutionary cousins for food (please note the genetic similarities between humans and cows), we waste tremendous natural resources breeding many animals for just this purpose... not to mention the enormous amount of greenhouse gases produced by the extra animals, themselves, grown only to feed us. We must begin to examine endangered species in this critical light: how do one or more human lives compare, when measured against the extinction of entire species? More widespread use of hydroelectric power may indeed save additional human lives, but what of the ecosystems damaged by this intrusion? We must allow natural selection to take its course, and throw off the chains of 'compassion.' Those that cannot feed or care for themselves must face the consequences without intervention, for the good of all. This further reduction in the human population can only serve to improve the plight of our imperiled planet.
In summary, we have already taken several of the crucial first steps towards this Final Solution. We have a widespread understanding among the culture of our enemy truly is: those of industry. We have the means to continue our education of the next generation in knowledge of the truth, and we must work to weaken the influence of those whose ideas are most destructive to the cause. Darwin in his brilliant theory has given us the framework, within the realm of science, to alter the destructive philosophies that have controlled the world for far too long. We must continue to strive forward, workers across the world! We must unite to save this planet.
The time has come to pull out all the stops; climate change has become an issue too large to ignore. The crisis is dire, and the very survival of the planet is at stake. With this in mind, I lay out my plan for solving this terrible problem.
Step 1: Justice for the Planet is Justice for Everyone
It is an indisputable fact that global warming has a far greater negative impact on women and minorities than it does on white men. In addition, most of the worst contributors to greenhouse gases - machines such automobiles, power plants, or people that exhale - are a direct result of the reprehensible inventive and reproductive behavior of white men. I therefore propose the immediate liquidation of the male Caucasian population, beginning with those in America and Europe, who also form the dominant and repressive majority within these cultures. This particular solution has many additional social benefits, but the primary and immediate effect will be a reduction in the consumption and use of goods which add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. New fields, forests and even rain forests can then be fertilized with this new abundant resource, finally allowing us to restore balance to our fragile ecosystems. With this primary consumer base eliminated, damaged ecosystems (such as rain forests) will have a chance to recover, as they no longer need be plowed under to allow for the destructive expansion of industry.
Step 2: Reproductive Choice is the Only Choice
We must thank the great nation of China for their valuable contributions to the world in reducing greenhouse gases through their revolutionary social policies, and we must learn to follow their example. Abortion as a fundamental human right is, of course, a given; but we must move forward the idea of mandatory abortion. More than 1 child per household means additional population growth, and population growth is crucial to manage if we are to save this planet. 2.2 live births per female allows for a population to maintain it's size. We must get this number down to 1.0-1.2 as quickly as possible (currently much of Europe, and legal population of America, stand at 1.6 or less). The next step is twofold, after the elimination of white males. First, the entire world must adopt a policy of 'one child per family.' Second, those who we have already identified as potential domestic terrorists here in America (that is, those who consider themselves to be 'pro-life') should immediately follow white males as the next to be liquidated. Someday we might have the courage as a race to embrace the third step, that of widespread sterilization, but we must allow for some time for the various cultures of the world to adapt and embrace change. We can lay the groundwork for this new idea in Step 3.
Step 3: Freedom from Destructive Social Institutions
In addition to mandating '1 child' policies among heterosexual couples, we must continue to ensure that the maximum number of children possible are educated in the government education centers. This has the advantage of giving governments one unified voice in reaching these children with the critical truths they need to hear. We must also continue the advancement of homosexual culture in these centers. Replacement of the restrictive social institution known as 'the traditional family' with that of 'the modern family' has several benefits in the fight against climate change. First and most directly, homosexual couples do not produce children, so by definition each of these modern family units will produce lower levels of greenhouse gases. Second, in replacing the traditional family as the basic social unit, we reduce the influence of certain destructive belief systems (as taught by parents) upon the individual. To a large extent this has been accomplished, as most parents seek to have the government educate their children; but many - particularly in America - are not being reached. Many of these even question the necessity of our efforts, and such questioning endangers all of us in the long term.
Step 4: Acknowledging the Equality of the Species
Once and for all, this antiquated notion that man is the pinnacle of nature must be put to the rest. Arising from the destructive teachings Judaism and Christianity, this idea that men and women are somehow different from other creatures - as they would say, 'created in the image of God' - is completely antithetical to what our governing philosophy must be if we are to save the planet. What right do we have to this planet that every other creature shouldn't also have? In addition to the sheer barbarity of killing our evolutionary cousins for food (please note the genetic similarities between humans and cows), we waste tremendous natural resources breeding many animals for just this purpose... not to mention the enormous amount of greenhouse gases produced by the extra animals, themselves, grown only to feed us. We must begin to examine endangered species in this critical light: how do one or more human lives compare, when measured against the extinction of entire species? More widespread use of hydroelectric power may indeed save additional human lives, but what of the ecosystems damaged by this intrusion? We must allow natural selection to take its course, and throw off the chains of 'compassion.' Those that cannot feed or care for themselves must face the consequences without intervention, for the good of all. This further reduction in the human population can only serve to improve the plight of our imperiled planet.
In summary, we have already taken several of the crucial first steps towards this Final Solution. We have a widespread understanding among the culture of our enemy truly is: those of industry. We have the means to continue our education of the next generation in knowledge of the truth, and we must work to weaken the influence of those whose ideas are most destructive to the cause. Darwin in his brilliant theory has given us the framework, within the realm of science, to alter the destructive philosophies that have controlled the world for far too long. We must continue to strive forward, workers across the world! We must unite to save this planet.
global warming,
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thanksgiving 2009

By the President of the United States of America.
A Proclamation.
The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God. In the midst of a civil war of unequaled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre of military conflict; while that theatre has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union. Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defence, have not arrested the plough, the shuttle or the ship; the axe has enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large increase of freedom. No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People. I do therefore in

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington, this Third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the Unites States the Eighty-eighth.
By the President: Abraham Lincoln
William H. Seward,
Secretary of State
When these words were spoken, the nation was in the middle of a terrible struggle, the Civil War. Why then these words of thankfulness, in such a dark time?
Perspective. Note the language used by our Secretary of State. Can you imagine the current office holder speaking in such a manner, for any occasion? The original purpose behind the day was a moment of reflection, a pause to give thanks to God for his blessings, even in the midst of trial. And that is the perspective we now lack. Ultimately the course our nation takes in foreign policy, health care, union/management relations, or "global warming" is meaningless unless we are building upon the proper foundation. And that foundation is crumbling. Our nation drifts without a sense of purpose, no longer understanding the vision of those who founded it. We either can not or will not acknowledge the great gift our very nation is to us, from God Himself. And as we drift, our sense of gratitude is also fading. Having left ourselves with no greater purpose than our own will, what do we have to be truly thankful for? To whom are we grateful? So much has been given for us. So much has been sacrificed by others so that we have what we have.
This year, I encourage all of us to remember. Implicit within gratitude is memory, the remembrance of what we have been given. Let us thank God even as we ask Him to restore knowledge of Himself to our nation, that our foundation would again grow strong. By His grace we, as the United States of America, have the power to lead the world. But this is not a change that will come about politically. Conservative, centrist, liberal - none of these hold the key. True change will come about as gratitude leads us to greater sense of humility, and humility leads us to knowledge of the Truth.
May God richly bless each of you this day of Thanksgiving, and may he touch your hearts with His wisdom and understanding.
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