Yes, you, the one who claims to follow the Lord Christ.
It's time to show the world that Christianity is more than watching your mouth and wearing a witty t-shirt that rips off some symbol from the culture and turns it into a clever slogan for Jesus.
Christmas is fast approaching, the day we (claim to) celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The key to salvation; victory over fear, and sin, and death. Is that what you are celebrating? Or have you bought the lie that the best way to celebrate the birth of the Savior of the World is to run around buying people stuff they don't need with money you don't have?
Come closer.
Come closer, watch, and think. Think hard, and then consider your actions this Advent.
Think about it, pray about it, and then do something about it. Do something different this Christmas. Because the very first Christmas, God did something about it, and the world was radically changed, and you and I have hope. It's time we got back to what the essence of this holiday really is. He came for you, to serve you, to give you the gift of life.
So who are you here to serve?
-Matthew 25:31-46
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