Thursday, July 30, 2009

When Republicans Accept the Lie (Letter from John McCain)

Below you'll read the form letter that my wife received from John McCain's office, after she emailed him about health care reform. Senator McCain has bought the first lie, which is that something has to be done. This has been President Obama's success, even if this current health care bill fails; he has changed the conversation fundamentally. "Fixing" health care is not what our government was designed to do. This is something best left to consumers and the free market, not government. On top of this principle, we have the evidence - look anywhere in the world, and you won't find this idea (government run health care) succeeding anywhere. Australia, France, Britain, Canada... it never works.

But now even the Republicans believe that something has to be done, that there has to be a government solution. And that is the most dangerous thing here; once you've accepted the general principle that government is the solution to the problem, we (conservatives) have lost. Once the government is in charge of health care, it will be a runaway train as government programs always are; lack of accountability goes hand in hand with corruption and waste. This should not surprise us, it is a truth as old as government itself. Have you stopped recently to consider the Bill of Rights? Interesting, isn't it, that the Founding Fathers saw fit to pass 10 amendments that effectively limit what government can do both to and for you. There is deep truth here, if we can but see it.

My questions for Christians are these: can God not care for you? How did Christians cope with illness and death for nearly 2000 years before our current health care system? At what point do insurance and government become the gods we truly serve?

July 30, 2009

Dear Mrs. Baldon:

Thank you for contacting me with your thoughts and concerns regarding health care reform. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

Our nation's health care system affects every aspect of American life and every component of our nation's economy, accounting for approximately a sixth of our nation's Gross Domestic Product. Also, as you are likely aware, health care spending has risen dramatically in recent years, far outpacing inflation, leaving countless families with difficult decisions about providing care for loved ones. Even Medicare, the vital safety net program for 45 million seniors and disabled individuals, is facing fiscal insolvency and higher out of pocket costs for beneficiaries.

This is simply unsustainable. Health care costs are rising and, if left unaddressed, will undermine Medicare and private insurance. Private insurance currently covers about two-thirds of all Americans and if these programs are undermined or eliminated, it could potentially add to the 48 million Americans currently without any form of health insurance. While the prospects of health care reform are daunting, it must be done, but done right, and in a truly bipartisan fashion.

I believe that there are four pillars that should help guide reform: affordability, portability, access, and quality. No one piece is more important than another, but taken together, I believe that we can create a health care system that can provide affordable, quality health care coverage for all Americans.

Our reform efforts should create a system that enables people to access affordable health coverage that includes high quality health care. Americans want to be able to choose their doctors, coverage, and care, and to have the freedom to seek employment that is not dependent on whether or not insurance coverage is provided. I believe that we can reform the current system to achieve this goal without turning to a government-run plan which would lead to rationed care, creating delays in treatment and eliminating consumer choice.

An increasing amount of our health care dollars and resources are directed towards treating chronic conditions such as heart disease and obesity. Therefore, any new reform must also encourage prevention initiatives that work. Medicare and Medicaid payment systems must also be reformed to promote prevention.

In addition to improving medical care and reducing costs, I believe our health care system should use health information technology to improve efficiency and quality in health care, and that we should find ways to reduce the number of medical malpractice lawsuits, which drive up the cost of health care and make coverage more expensive.

During the recent mark-up of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee's health reform bill, I supported an amendment which would prevent health care providers from being required to participate in abortions if doing so would violate their personal moral and ethical convictions. As you may know, I have consistently opposed measures which encourage or lead to more abortions, including the use of any federal funding for abortions.

I was also a strong proponent of an amendment that would have required Members of Congress to participate in the proposed public health plan if one is enacted into law. If the health care reform legislation that is being considered becomes law, it would force millions of people to give up their current forms of health care coverage and participate in the government run program. I believe that Members of Congress cannot expect these individuals to participate in this new public program if they are not willing to enroll themselves and their families in the same program.

On Wednesday, July 15, 2009, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee approved the Affordable Health Choices Act on a party line vote of 13-10. I voted against the legislation because it does little to actually lower health care costs and still leaves 34 million people uninsured. The actual final cost of this legislation to our country and its taxpayers is still undetermined, but the Congressional Budget Office has stated that the bill substantially expands federal responsibility for health care costs without addressing the critical changes necessary to reduce the anticipated federal health spending. While I understand the need for reform and will continue to support meaningful measures that will lower costs, improve access to quality health care and expand coverage, I cannot support this bill in its current form because it spends too much, taxes too much, leaves too many people uninsured and does nothing to drive down health care costs.

Again, thank you for sharing your views on this important issue. Please be assured that I will continue to keep them in mind as Congress considers legislation to reform our nation's health care system. Feel free to contact me on this or any other matter.


John McCain
United States Senator


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The War for the Unborn: International Update

Austin Ruse from C-Fam's Friday Fax shared a great interview about the international abortion fight, which you can read here (5 minutes or so):

Coerced abortions, like those described in the interview, are government mandated in China and mandated via blackmail in other places from the UN, itself. President Obama did commit to reducing the number of abortions, while keeping them legal. So far his policies have expanded abortion availability and international funding; as Rocco Buttiglione says, I hope the President does what he committed to doing.

In the links section of my blog, you'll find the "Friday Fax" link - this will get you signed up for the weekly email and you can stay up-to-date on international abortion developments.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sotomayor Confirmed in Committee, 13-6

Judge Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court was voted on by committee today, with the vote being 13-6 in favor of sending her nomination to the Senate floor. She is expected to be easily confirmed, due to the Democratic majority of 60 seats. The vote was along party lines, except that Graham (R-SC) sided with the Democrats and voted in favor of Sotomayor's nomination.

Any strict Constitutionalist has major problems with Sotomayor, outside of her comments about race and policy-making from the judical bench. She has had 10 cases be reviewed by the Supreme Court, 8 of which have been overturned - including the recent, famous "firefighter case" where she ruled that a city is justified to throw out test results for promotions if too few minorities pass the test. She believes that being a Hispanic woman with a rich life experience makes her a good judge; I believe a wise person with a Biblical worldview and a humble heart makes a wise judge.

I would prefer a judge who strictly upheld the law and the Constitution, according to the intents and thoughts of the Framers, which is why I am opposed to her nomination. This is yet another reason that Presidential elections are so critical; Supreme Court Justices are appointed, not elected, and they serve for life (or until they choose to retire). This decision will affect laws in our country for decades to come.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Health Care Bill Criticized... by CNN?

I almost fell out of my chair this morning; the unthinkable happened. A liberal media outlet let loose on President Obama's health care proposal with both barrels, asking some very good questions and pointing out just what we all stand to lose if this bill passes.

Take a look at the article:

This type of thinking showing up here, combined with President Obama's falling poll numbers (he is less popular at this point of his Presidency than George W. Bush was; that has to sting) leads me to believe there is hope to stop this. Again, I urge you to make sure your representatives are representing you - find the link on the left and call their offices to see where they stand and give them your opinion. They do work for you, after all.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The True Defender of Our Faith

The darkness recedes on waves of agony, and reality slams back into focus. Searing pain rips through your midsection, and your hands involuntarily close on the broken spear shaft sunk deep into your belly. The body of an enemy lies nearby, his hand clutching the other part of the shaft, your own sundered blade through his neck. The wound is on fire. Breath comes in short gasps. Glancing left and right, you see that no one lives on this hill - bodies of friends and foe lay all about. For a while, the line had held, but the attacks were relentless. Hours ago the line had been severed into smaller groups, each trying to make a last, desperate stand. A few minutes ago a hard blow had finally split your shield, and that had been the beginning of the end... with your shield gone, it was only a matter of time.
Another wave of pain forces a grimace; this was not the end you’d imagined. The shrieking of the enemy horde reaches your ears - they are massing for another attack, and this time there’s no one left to stop them. Such a sad waste. The shrieking is getting louder, but already the world is growing dim. The pain is getting further away, and you’re getting colder. Try as you might, you can't move your hands from the weapon that has killed you, not even to die with your sword in your hand.
The hatred of their screams hits you like a physical force as the enemy closes. The first of them run right past, but then a pair notice you still draw breath, and they pause to savor their kill. Determined to give them no satisfaction, you stare as defiantly as you can directly into their eyes, and they raise their cruelly barbed spears for the killing blow. The blows descend –
And a shield slams down into place, both spears deflecting wide and leaving the enemy open to your savior's counterthrusts. In the second it takes you to register that you still live, they are both dead.
Down on the ground, you can't get a good look at this soldier, but he seems as fresh as when the battle began. Others of the enemy horde have realized his presence, and you catch just a glimpse of a strong jaw line, of a terrible, righteous anger in the eyes. Shield and sword ready, he stands over you as if made of stone. A sea of enemies converges on your spot, far too many for this one man to stand against.
Yet stand he does! And more than that – the enemy is falling like wheat to the harvest. Every blow is dispatching more of the foe to eternity, but he has to tire at some point. Now the screams of the enemy shift to a cry of recognition – they know this champion, and they come at him in a snarling rage.
For a moment it seemed as if you might live, but your vision is dimming again, and you're shivering with cold even though the sun blazes overhead. No one survives wounds like yours; you've been around long enough to know a mortal wound when you see it. Whispering thanks to this fellow soldier for his efforts, you close your eyes...

booms a voice above you. You have never heard a more beautiful sound, as if an entire song has been sung in a single word...
The champion is speaking! Each word trembles with barely restrained power. Opening your eyes again, the world has come back into sharper focus...
Growing slightly warmer as the words flow over you, you watch as his sword flashes and another enemy spins away. The very air around you bristles with electricity, like a storm about to break...
The word itself bursts forth as a mighty shout, cutting through the enemy like a scythe. The ground beneath you shakes, and one last thought drifts across your mind as you finally lose consciousness...
Who is this man?

Awakening this time is somehow more peaceful; the pain remains, but something is different. The world around you is silent - the battle must be over! But how can it be? Looking up, you see your deliverer looking down on you, face covered in grime and sweat. He smiles and leans down, and it strikes you that this might be the most genuine, honest face you've ever laid eyes on. Overcome with gratitude, you move to speak. With a gesture he silences you.
"Listen, friend. The wound need not be mortal, but we have to remove the spearhead." He continues, answering the fear in your eyes and the slight shaking of your head. A voice inside screams at you: the spearhead is all that's keeping you alive! If he pulls it out your lifeblood will soon follow! Your shaking hands grip the spear even tighter.
"There is little time left. You have to trust me. Let me help you... let go of the spear. It's killing you." His hand on your shoulder is strong and comforting at the same time, but the voice inside cries out again. No one can save you from this! If that spear comes out, you die!
Looking into his eyes, you try to take your hands off the rough wooden shaft, but the muscles have been gripping it tight for too long. It will take more strength than you have. In a voice barely more than a gasp, you ask him to help. "I-I can't-I can't do it. Can you help me let it go?"
"You had but to ask. I won't lie to you; this is going to hurt." In a single motion he effortlessly moves aside your hands, and pushes the spear the rest of the way through the wound. A ragged cry rips from your lips. Before, you were in pain, but this! You didn't know there was agony like this in all the world –
And then it's gone, so quickly you wonder if you imagined it. Looking down, expecting to see blood pumping from your stomach, you stare for a moment in shock.
Not only is there no blood, there's no wound. Your armor is whole again, and shining like new from the smith. In amazement, you look up again, eyes wide. And then you recognize your deliverer, your champion...your Savior.
"My Lord!" As fast as you had started to sit up, you throw yourself face down on the ground before him. How did you not see it before? Shaking –this time with reverence and awe – your breath is once again coming in short bursts.
"Rise, faithful servant." He reaches down and helps you up to stand before Him, a wry smile on His face. "I think you've spent enough time on the ground for one day," he continues. Was that the faintest hint of laughter in His voice? You can only match His gaze for the briefest moment, and then you lower your eyes in respect. He speaks again, and His voice is a melody that moves your soul to tears.
"You have stood for me this day, and I will remember it. One day all struggles will cease, forever... but until that time, go forth in my Name. And hold fast to this promise: no one who stands for me will ever stand alone.”
A moment passes. Daring to look up again, you realize everything has changed! Where your Lord stood, a bubbling stream now flows up from the ground. Its banks run thick with green grass, lush and inviting. Kneeling to drink, you hadn't realized until this moment how terribly thirsty you were. The water is pure and sweet. Having drunk your fill, you stand up and see the gifts He has left for you: leaning against a nearby tree rest your sword and your shield, restored to gleaming perfection once more. Taking them up, you set your foot on the path before you, in search of your sword brothers.

Ephesians 6:10-20 tells us to take up the full armor of God, that we may stand against the Evil One.

We are never instructed to remove it.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Free Our Healthcare Now

Please click on the title link and sign the petition - it will take about 2 minutes of your time, and we need the weight of many, many signatures. It is looking more and more like some version of "health care reform" is going to be passed; the Democrats have the votes and this is the President's defining moment.

Please consider the implications for yourself, your family, and your country; take 2 minutes and sign today.

Monday, July 20, 2009

2 Thoughts Today...

President Obama, champion of public schools and the NEA, who has sworn to make strong public schools a priority... sends his kids to private school.


President Obama, along with every member of the House and Senate, will soon be considering how to overhaul health care in America. Unfortunately, even the conservatives believe that something has to be done (read: government money needs to be spent). But... all government officials have their own separate plan, which will remain separate under every single one of the programs being advanced by either side, so the plans they think "will be perfect for the nation!" are not good enough for they themselves to use.


I believe a wise man once said that actions speak louder than words?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

What is Card Check?

Play the game* by clicking above! Learn about this very real threat to the American workplace; the game might seem over the top, but it is sadly accurate.

The Employee Free Choice Act would destroy the traditional American workplace, unionizing virtually any company the unions choose to focus on. This means anything you buy, from food to electronics, will cost more. As in so many parts of our culture, seniority will replace merit as the primary qualification for raises, bonuses and advancement.

Is this truly what we want America to be?

(*the game does use the example of a tattoo parlor as the workplace in question; consider this comic relief but don't get offended and miss the point here)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Politics & Priorities

So much has been happening in the realm of politics in the last month, and I have posted on almost none of it. Instead, I have been thinking as to what the most effective way is to spread Light in the darkness of this world. Does the world need one more blog out there, decrying the actions of President Obama, of Congress?

I think most people ignore politics - or stay purposefully away from it - because they think either its not their problem, or its not their calling, or its beyond them in some way. Until very recently, probably over the last year or so, I felt the same way. One person cannot really change much, when 90 million people vote... what can I do? What does it matter?

Here is what changed for me: I thought long and hard about my relationship with Jesus Christ. Accepting Jesus as my Savior and my Lord - what, truly, does that mean?

Should I be relieved that I am not going to Hell when I die? Yes! But is that enough?
Should I be reading the Word, and praying daily? Yes! But is that enough?
Should I attend church every week? Yes! But is that enough?

We live in a day and age that says you should own no man as king. We don't understand sovereignty, or what it really means. But if I have asked Jesus to save me, if I have acknowledged Jesus as my Lord, then I am sworn into his service. My life is no longer mine, but His. If there is a thing that I can do to serve Him, either with my life or my death, then that is the thing I have been called to do. Let me put it this way:

As I asked myself if I am doing enough as Christian, I am missing the entire point. I am showing that I don't understand the oath that I swore. For me, I came to realize that I am either a Christian, or I am not. If I am trying to live 50% Christian and hold back 50% for myself and what I want to do, then I am not fulfilling my vow - living that way is no different than living as an unbeliever. Please hear my heart; I am not saying there is anything I can do to be saved, or that Christ's work done at the cross and the grave was not complete. God has saved me by grace, through faith, and I cannot work my way to heaven. But once saved, what is my calling?

I have come to realize that from the morning into the deepness of night, I am either serving Christ or striving against Him. Period. In the realm of eternity, there is no compromise, and the world is truly as black and white as anyone could ever want. The lies of the Adversary, Satan, the Deceiver, are nearly endless. He seeks to confuse everything, to twist and corrupt. But as I turn toward Absolute Truth, the Truth found only in the Creator of All Things, God Himself, I must choose: I serve the Truth, or I serve a lie. And if I serve the Truth, then I must serve the Truth in every way; for if even one small part is a lie, then I no longer serve the Truth.

This is not to say I can live a life of perfection. I fail daily and well I know it. But it speaks to my deeper motivation, that of my heart: what am I trying to accomplish with the thing that I am doing, right now?

As I sit to watch a movie, am I glorifying God in the viewing, or have I just paid to further the lies of the Adversary?
As I speak, are my words reflecting the Light within me, or am I slandering those I should be upholding? Am I speaking truth, or a lie?
As I eat my food, am I caring properly for the temple that my body now is, as the Holy Spirit dwells within me? Or am I satisfying a craving of the flesh?
As I perform each action of my day - be it working for a living, kissing my wife, surfing the Internet, using the restroom... am I serving the Lord in the manner I have sworn to do?

My life has become a wrestling match, it seems sometimes. So many of my prayers now start with "But God, I really wanted to-" or "But God, its only-" and then I think about the questions I just asked, above. And I still fail every single day. But my standard has changed; or to put it more accurately, I finally understand that my standard is a lie. I either serve the Truth of God's Standard, which He has defined in His timeless Word, the Bible - or I serve a lie. There is no neutrality, there is good and evil; all that remains between them is the choice that I must make every second of every day. And sometimes, let me tell you, it is very, very hard. But the difficulty does not change my calling; if anything, it affirms it.

And how does all this relate to politics, and current events? Because politics is just a word for the choices that our leaders are making everyday, the choices that affect us all. If the person making the choice does not believe the Truth, we will be given a lie as policy; we will be given a lie as a new law; we will be given a lie and told that it is true, because the giver dwells in the darkness and does not know the Light. As we cannot see the heart of our fellow man, we must judge their words and decisions: are they fit to lead us? Our politicians are merely reflections of ourselves. If we would change them, we must look within. We have to know what God teaches. We then have to align our beliefs with His Word. We then have to find leaders to represent us that will further God's purposes.

For as I have said here above, we either serve the Truth, or a lie. If our leaders show no interest in Truth, then we should not be surprised with what comes, but we must be prepared. We must find those for the next election cycle (2010) that will stand fast for the Truth, and we must elect them. I, for one, am tired of choosing the lesser of two evils. Let us pray for, and diligently seek, those who will make the best choices - not for us, but for the advancement of God's kingdom. And as we talk about politics, and our differences, let us speak with grace and love. We have to remember that we have been called out of the darkness of this world, but most have not been. As infinite Love has been shown to us, we must show it to others in our words and our actions.

God does have a place in politics; He should be at the forefront, and we should be following him in this area just like every other.

Friday, July 10, 2009

...and Having Done All, to Stand.

Stand fast! Take your place in the battle line, and hold forth your faith in the Living God as your shield. The day of evil has come; the shrieking hosts of the Evil One attack, screaming their hatred with every step. Look to the right and to the left: encourage and uphold your brothers as we stand together in this place. For it is the Lord Christ whom we serve! He has raised up his standard and with it, Victory.

Stand fast! Let the weapons of the enemy break upon our shield wall, for our faith is in True Justice and Perfect Love, held in the strong sword arm of the One whose very name is both Faithful and True.

Again I say, brothers: having done all else, let us stand!

(inspired by Ephesians 6:13 and Revelation 19:11)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Greater is He who is in us...

Take heart! We serve the One who is greater than all the kings and rulers of this earth. Truly, greater is He whose Swift Sure Hand upholds us, than our Adversary whose darkness seeks to cover the whole world. Stand fast; the false night cannot prevail against the coming dawn!

(inspired by 1 John 4)

The ACLU, False Men in our Midst...

How much are you going to allow to be taken from you, before you fight? See the link at the left to call your Congressmen and women to preserve this monument.

You can also visit and sign their petition.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

John 1:5, BEV (Baldon Expanded Version)

The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not comprehend it. Those lost in Eternal Night still cling to their false dreams of what this world looks like at dawn, exchanging the bright Truth of Creation for a lie of their own making. And yet the Light reveals Truth, and those who choose to remain in darkness must cringe before it... for the Light burns, it purifies, it refines.

We have been called out of this world's darkness, our hearts warmed by the Flame that is the Christ. We have been chosen, and given purpose! Rise up, O Servants of the Great Light. Blaze, as the Beacons of Hope that you have become!

Lord, let our lights so shine before men, as to reflect the glory of the Light that dwells within us! May the Light ever increase, drawing all men unto Itself. Amen.

Monday, July 6, 2009

And Much of Madness, and More of Sin...

And Horror the soul of the plot. (Edgar Allan Poe, The Conqueror Worm)

I have always liked this particular poem by Poe. I think this line sums up our current situation in America: the madness has seized hold of so many it can no longer even be recognized as madness.

And yet madness it is: the philosophy that sees borrowing money as the way out of debt, and if that doesn't work, borrow still more. And angels sob, in the poem - elsewhere, the Adversary laughs. He above all knows well the trap that debt lays at our feet, the snare that awaits the unwary borrower.

Here is the article I was reading at

Truly? Early signs of progress? We misread the problem, but we are sure the solution that we have in place is the right answer, just give it time? Let me say it as simply as I can put it: you can't fix the economy by running up more debt. One problem, you might solve. But what of the monstrous debt you create? Is that somehow less of a problem?

It does not have to be how it is. I think that many people don't even know what proper government looks like. But what we are doing - giving more and more of our wealth to the government, so that they can fix out every problem in life - this is madness. And we have to stop it. 2010 will be a critical election cycle, as it is our next chance to address this wrong that has been done, and is still being done. We need to find those who would lead us, not coddle us; represent us, not repeal all that our Founding Fathers left us as their legacy.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Generation Cries Out for a Sign...

A generation cries out for a sign; a nation weeps for what has been lost, and what cannot now be found in all the land.

Hear then, O Sons of Dust! Hear and remember! Listen, now to the voice of the True Bard, the Goodly-Wise and Father of Bards, the High King of Heaven. For He is generous; His Swift Sure Hand is ever merciful, His Healing Hand ever gracious. Let the weary gather in the shelter of His Presence, and find rest!

You seek a sign, and see the silence of Heaven as proof that no sign will be given. Indeed, many believe that there is none to give the sign.
And yet I tell you this day, the sign has already been given!
Who are we, to tread upon streets of gold and yearn for pebbles?
Who are we, dressed in the finest garments of kings, to steal rags from the back of a beggar?
Who are we, to seek the living among the dead?
Why seek you the wisdom of Heaven among the foolishness of men?

For I tell you, the sign you seek has been given:
I give you the Arrow from the Quiver of Heaven, whose flight shows all men the True Path.
Surely an arrow, once flown, cannot be recalled!
I give you the Word already spoken, Truth that walked among us in the form of a man.

Surely a word, once spoken, cannot be unsaid!
I give you the Water of Life, poured out as the Offering to quench the endless thirst of those come from dust, and to the dust return.
Surely water, once drunk, cannot return to the jar!

Behold, the One who laid the foundations of the Earth knew from before the beginning that the sign was required. It is the glory of kings to seek out a matter, and this matter has been sought by the High King, Himself.

But the folly of men is ever such:
That those with two eyes to see would remain blind,
that those with two ears to hear would remain deaf,
that those with two lips to speak would remain dumb.

Rise up, Men of Truth! Oppose the false men in your midst, and take your stand upon the Rock of your Salvation. For I tell you now that a worthy Lord requires your service, that this world would not fall to darkness. His heel has been bruised by the Great Adversary; but the Ancient One of Evil has been crushed by the Hero-Feat of Righteousness. This, then, is the day foretold, as the ground itself trembles with the trumpet’s call; great armies clash.

Every man must take his place in the shield wall, serving the true Lord, or the false one. A choice must be made, and the battle joined. For the sign given is a call to fight; and the Great Mystery is this:
Life comes only to those who willingly lay down their lives in death. For flesh is born of flesh, and blood is born of blood; but spirit is born of Spirit, and Spirit ever more remains. A life given in this place is but a small thing, given for the Life to come.

Here end the words of the True Bard. Let him hear it who will.