Thursday, July 30, 2009

When Republicans Accept the Lie (Letter from John McCain)

Below you'll read the form letter that my wife received from John McCain's office, after she emailed him about health care reform. Senator McCain has bought the first lie, which is that something has to be done. This has been President Obama's success, even if this current health care bill fails; he has changed the conversation fundamentally. "Fixing" health care is not what our government was designed to do. This is something best left to consumers and the free market, not government. On top of this principle, we have the evidence - look anywhere in the world, and you won't find this idea (government run health care) succeeding anywhere. Australia, France, Britain, Canada... it never works.

But now even the Republicans believe that something has to be done, that there has to be a government solution. And that is the most dangerous thing here; once you've accepted the general principle that government is the solution to the problem, we (conservatives) have lost. Once the government is in charge of health care, it will be a runaway train as government programs always are; lack of accountability goes hand in hand with corruption and waste. This should not surprise us, it is a truth as old as government itself. Have you stopped recently to consider the Bill of Rights? Interesting, isn't it, that the Founding Fathers saw fit to pass 10 amendments that effectively limit what government can do both to and for you. There is deep truth here, if we can but see it.

My questions for Christians are these: can God not care for you? How did Christians cope with illness and death for nearly 2000 years before our current health care system? At what point do insurance and government become the gods we truly serve?

July 30, 2009

Dear Mrs. Baldon:

Thank you for contacting me with your thoughts and concerns regarding health care reform. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

Our nation's health care system affects every aspect of American life and every component of our nation's economy, accounting for approximately a sixth of our nation's Gross Domestic Product. Also, as you are likely aware, health care spending has risen dramatically in recent years, far outpacing inflation, leaving countless families with difficult decisions about providing care for loved ones. Even Medicare, the vital safety net program for 45 million seniors and disabled individuals, is facing fiscal insolvency and higher out of pocket costs for beneficiaries.

This is simply unsustainable. Health care costs are rising and, if left unaddressed, will undermine Medicare and private insurance. Private insurance currently covers about two-thirds of all Americans and if these programs are undermined or eliminated, it could potentially add to the 48 million Americans currently without any form of health insurance. While the prospects of health care reform are daunting, it must be done, but done right, and in a truly bipartisan fashion.

I believe that there are four pillars that should help guide reform: affordability, portability, access, and quality. No one piece is more important than another, but taken together, I believe that we can create a health care system that can provide affordable, quality health care coverage for all Americans.

Our reform efforts should create a system that enables people to access affordable health coverage that includes high quality health care. Americans want to be able to choose their doctors, coverage, and care, and to have the freedom to seek employment that is not dependent on whether or not insurance coverage is provided. I believe that we can reform the current system to achieve this goal without turning to a government-run plan which would lead to rationed care, creating delays in treatment and eliminating consumer choice.

An increasing amount of our health care dollars and resources are directed towards treating chronic conditions such as heart disease and obesity. Therefore, any new reform must also encourage prevention initiatives that work. Medicare and Medicaid payment systems must also be reformed to promote prevention.

In addition to improving medical care and reducing costs, I believe our health care system should use health information technology to improve efficiency and quality in health care, and that we should find ways to reduce the number of medical malpractice lawsuits, which drive up the cost of health care and make coverage more expensive.

During the recent mark-up of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee's health reform bill, I supported an amendment which would prevent health care providers from being required to participate in abortions if doing so would violate their personal moral and ethical convictions. As you may know, I have consistently opposed measures which encourage or lead to more abortions, including the use of any federal funding for abortions.

I was also a strong proponent of an amendment that would have required Members of Congress to participate in the proposed public health plan if one is enacted into law. If the health care reform legislation that is being considered becomes law, it would force millions of people to give up their current forms of health care coverage and participate in the government run program. I believe that Members of Congress cannot expect these individuals to participate in this new public program if they are not willing to enroll themselves and their families in the same program.

On Wednesday, July 15, 2009, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee approved the Affordable Health Choices Act on a party line vote of 13-10. I voted against the legislation because it does little to actually lower health care costs and still leaves 34 million people uninsured. The actual final cost of this legislation to our country and its taxpayers is still undetermined, but the Congressional Budget Office has stated that the bill substantially expands federal responsibility for health care costs without addressing the critical changes necessary to reduce the anticipated federal health spending. While I understand the need for reform and will continue to support meaningful measures that will lower costs, improve access to quality health care and expand coverage, I cannot support this bill in its current form because it spends too much, taxes too much, leaves too many people uninsured and does nothing to drive down health care costs.

Again, thank you for sharing your views on this important issue. Please be assured that I will continue to keep them in mind as Congress considers legislation to reform our nation's health care system. Feel free to contact me on this or any other matter.


John McCain
United States Senator


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