Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Islam is Not the Enemy... but You Could Be!

The link above will take you to the document that has generated a lot of conversation over the last 2 days. As I write this, the Obama White House is attempting to distance itself from the report, which is humorous given the contents of the report and President Obama's own comments while abroad.

Do you:

* Own guns? Want to buy a gun, because you can see a day in the future when this administration would restrict gun ownership?
* Believe abortion is a moral evil? Do you *gasp* discuss this on the Internet?
* Do you think this current government is expanding federal authority beyond its Constitutional limits?
* Do you believe that immigrants should come to the US legally?
* Do you believe that the growing economic and nuclear power of countries like China and Iran could lead to problems for the US (and the world)?

If you answered yes to the above questions, then welcome to Right-Wing Extremism! Grab a chair and a name tag. President Obama last week took great pains to tell the world that the US is not a religious nation of any kind, that we are not at war with Islam - just certain extremists. Ah, but there is that word again. Extremist. Extremism. He who defines the language has great control in the society. And we are being defined. The same word is being used to describe a person who blows up women and children in the name of his god, and those who believe in the basic principles of the Constitution. I encourage you to read the 10 page document, and see what it says for yourself. Please forgive the rhetoric (speaking of the historical Presidential election, page 4) and the lack of a word or 2 (on page 6, it should be illegal immigrants crossing the border, not just 'immigrants' - note also how violence against illegal immigrants becomes violence against Hispanics. I don't condone violence against either group, but the word choice here speaks volumes to the worldview behind the report). But you need to know what is going on in your country's government.

Today the TEA party rallies are on in full force. They are being shredded as a plot, a conspiracy, another right-wing led protest... (check CNN, MSNBC, etc) and here I thought peaceful assembly was a Constitutional right, also. These are average Americans, like yourself; but they have had enough. Have you?

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin

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