Wednesday, June 24, 2009


When asked about evolution sometimes, I will mention Art. How does our appreciation of the beautiful - the enjoyment of our senses in an experience that has nothing to do with the need for simple survival - how do these things reconcile with random biological processes advancing species to 'our level' over billions of years? Great Art elevates us, it gives a glimpse, it shares with us a tiny sliver of a single note of the Song that is Eternity. I submit to you that Great Art is the highest mortal expression of design, and it can be a powerful instrument (pardon the pun) to point us to our Creator.

But Art, like so much else, has become corrupted. Not so much Art itself, but our ability to recognize it, and label it properly. Like all else, Evil hates Art and seeks to corrupt it. Having no ability of its own to create, Evil seeks to distort, to subtly alter.

I am not reflecting on a specific piece of art here, but there are so many examples. As a society we have sacrificed our sense of wonder on the altar of the Now, always thinking more information is better, more input is better, and never focusing on the quality.

We (as a culture) don't have the attention span anymore, thanks in large part to technology. Our collective cynicism bars us from enjoying so many simple things in life. What passes for Art now seems designed to shock, to horrify, to do anything to jar us awake from our apathetic slumber. We have ceased to believe in a Creator, and so we no longer view the created as His handiwork, or ourselves as His image. We explore the dark recesses of the soul without any regard for the consequences of our discovery, thinking only that the discovery itself is what's important. We tear open box after box with speed that Pandora would envy. And with each new horror explored, as we further understand the human capacity for evil even as we deny it in ourselves, the apathy grows to consume that also; soon, we are no longer horrified, and that thought alone should horrify us.

We have become lost, disorientated, and the madness seems to be everywhere-it seems to be normal.

But there is a Compass (though not golden), there is a way to orientate ourselves in the darkness that surrounds us. There is a Light, if we will only be still and see it. For the Creator of all gave us Art; he gave us vision, and ears that delight in music, and minds to consider the great questions of the ages. He gave us mouths, to question and to answer, to speak Truth - His Truth. He gave us the divine spark, our ability to be awed, to look about the creation in wonder of the Creator. It is sad to me how many Christians seek to avoid the Arts whenever possible, instead of engaging in them in positive ways. Writing, music, dance, painting, photography; these have the capacity for some of the greatest Good (and Evil) a society can achieve. Great Art endures by it's very nature, and so we must strive - as Christians, as Americans - to do what we can to create art that both endures, and glorifies the Lord, the High King of Heaven, Creator of all.

When a song, or a poem, or a picture touches your heart, share it with me please. I will endeavour to do the same for you.

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