Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A review of The Shack

Yes, the question in my last post was intended to be posted just prior to this discussion. If the implication sounds harsh, keep in mind I am not speaking to the author's intentions. I have no idea where Paul Young is at, himself; I hope he has grown past the views and opinions expressed in his book, The Shack, because they are tragically, subtly flawed.

Having no desire to reinvent the wheel, you can follow this link for an excellent review of the book and its issues, from a Biblical perspective:


At the bottom you can download the .pdf copy, which I would encourage you to do. We should be ready to give an answer to others who may read the book.

I asked the question in the previous post because direct attacks upon Christians have not worked - for the most part - throughout history. The early church was mercilessly persecuted... and Christianity became the official religion of the Empire within a couple hundred years. So the plan of our enemy changed, and he has become much more subtle. Why risk a frontal assault on the Church, when subversion can be more effective, and harder for Christians to spot?

To be clear, I am strongly against this book. Work of fiction it may be, but it was intended to teach spiritual concepts, not entertain. I would counsel Christians to stay away from it, and be aware of the stealth with which Satan can strike.


  1. That's funny. My dad just finished reading it, and he got a copy for his birthday this past Sunday. We were talking about it Sunday night afterward and he had pretty much the same objections as the reviewer.

  2. "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

    The Usual Suspects, 1995
