Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Spin... Gaza Style

Take a couple minutes to read the short article from the title link...

If you have no background on this conflict, I would like to point out that terrorists in Gaza started the conflict in question by attacking Israel. Israel sounds like the aggressor here in the beginning, when their "invasion" is mentioned. And in the middle, it is called their "offensive" and we are given Palestinian casualty figures. The article talks about how we are giving $900 million to help rebuild Gaza; given the limited scope of the article, I understand the lack of back story, but it is extremely important to put the story in context.

In 1967, Egypt, Syria and Jordan attacked Israel (the Arab world will not rest until Israel no longer exists - this is their stated intent). In the Six Day War, Israel defeated all of them (and forces from 6 other Arab nations which had been sent to fight). Israel also captured land including the Gaza Strip, which it maintained as a buffer against the Arab world until 1994, when the Palestinian Authority came to power to govern this area. The PA was/is corrupt and the area has been a hot spot for attacks against Israel and Israelis ever since.

If the same thing had happened to the United States - say a rogue Canadian state had lobbed missiles into our country - I hope our response would have been exactly the same as the Israelis. At this point, Gaza is controlled by Hamas, a terrorist organization. How long would you stand for your neighbors being terrorists? The nation next door that is committed to destroying you? And notice how the article spends a great deal of time telling you that the money is going to Gaza, but not to Hamas. Do you think that is a realistic possibility, that the controlling group in power in the region will not get a good share of this money?

You will almost never see anything in the mainstream press that is pro-Israel. The confirmation of Hillary Clinton to the position of Secretary of State was especially bad for US/Israel relations - just do a quick google search on the primary donors to the Clinton Library, and you'll see who has given the Clinton family a ton of money. At some point we will have to take a stand and choose a side. The UN repeatedly has condemned Israel (15 times in less than 2 years), and we have stood with Israel against the UN. What happens to Israel - what happens to us - when that changes?

I will wrap up talking about principle: the Middle East is a huge test of what you believe. How do you talk peace in a reasonable fashion when every nation in the region other than Israel is opposed to the very fact that Israel exists? I see the Obama administration struggling here because of a fundamental lack of belief in the existence of evil. I really wish the liberal mindset was true, that with enough money and education and time you can eradicate hatred, and poverty, and bad thoughts. But the entire history of the world tells us otherwise.

Tonight as you think about it, pray for the nation of Israel. They remain God's chosen people.

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